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Contact Consent

Data Protection

New regulations require the club to obtain explicit consent to contact members.


Those under 13 need a parent or guardian to give their consent.


Those aged 13 to 17 need to give their consent. A parent or guardian needs to countersign that consent.


Adults need to sign for their consent.


Forms are available at a training session and can be returned to a club coach.


For those that can't make a training session the online form on this page can be used.


The consent allows the club to contact you about normal activities and services a member expects from the BKJJA, it also means we can contact you about new services, products or marketing issues.


A printable form can be downloaded here.



It can be printed off, completed and passed or posted or emailed to a Chief Instructor.


More information about the regulation can be found in the club's blog. There is a link to that page if you click on the Keep Calm image

Keep Calm and Comply With GDPR

Online Consent Form

Please Enter Your Current Details Of Each Method Of Communication You Agree To The BKJJA Using

Can the BKJJA use Email to contact the named student?
Insert Your Email If Yes
Can the BKJJA Use Text Message to contact the named student?
Add The Phone No If Yes
Can the BKJJA Use A Phone Number to contact the named student?
Add The Phone No If Yes
Can the BKJJA Use A Postal Address to contact the named student?
Add Address If Yes
I am the named student, I am aged 13 or over, I agree with the consent choices made in this form
I am the parent or guardian of the named student. The named student is under 18. I agree with the consent choices made in this form
I am the named student's

Please be aware if you have provided consent for the BKJJA to contact the named student that includes contact for services and products that are part of the club's membership and contact consent is also given for BKJJA marketing purposes.

Thank you!

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