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Chinese Year Of The Rat Competition Results

Writer's picture: Peter SmithPeter Smith

This is the Chinese Year Of The Rat. As part of the celebrations the club ran a colouring competition. The image the club's members were asked to complete is below.

One of the students preferred to colour in a rhino

All the participants will receive a token from the club for taking part.

A club chest badge is presented to those that do not have one. It is a white circular badge, worn on the gi top over the heart. Those that have a chest badge already will receive a pair of leg flashes. They are rectangular badges with the club's kanji on them. The leg flashes are worn on the gi trousers near the bottom, one on each leg on the outside of trouser. A yin yang badge, worn on the sleeve of the suit is given to juniors with the chest and leg badges. A mystery gift will be given to any student that already has all three badges.

It was difficult to choose a winner and it was decided the winner's prize should go to Vicky.

Well done Vicky, congratulations!

Vicky will receive a Chinese wall scroll as well as a badge. The scroll is of Koi carp. They are seen as a sign of peace, harmony and good fortune.

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